The untiring labour of Rev. Frs Michael Eke, Martin Badejo and Benedict Joshua to propagate the Catholic faith near and far Saki axis was given a Diocesan stamp when His Lordship, Most Rev Emmanuel Ade Badejo, (together with Frs Olufunmilayo Francis and Martin Badejo), sets his feet on the ancient land of Igbo-Ologun, a town on the hill-top of about 5 minutes drive from Saki. Based on the ardent faith of the family of Pa & Mrs Joseph Akano who had been in contact with Catholicism in Ikirun since their youthful days and upon returning home has secured a piece of land for the church’s uses.
Owing to the proximity of the town to Divine Mercy Catholic Church, Wewe in Saki, St. Lawrence’s, Saki handed it over to them for easier pastoral care, this was received with joy.
Tuesday 4 September, 2018 was a memorable day of joy, happiness and fulfilment not only for the family of Akano but the entire town of Igbo-Ologun as the Baale, Ologun of Igbo-Ologun together with the Shehu of the town welcomed the entire members of Divine Mercy Catholic Church, Wewe into the town.
Songs of praise, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Rosary and the celebration of the Holy Mass were held right infront of Pa Akano’s house which is just a stone throw away from the land given to the Church. Prayers were said for the town, the Baale, the Shehu and the Muslim community as well as every soul in the town. It was a great launch of the Catholic faith in the town and to be continued with intense evangelization.