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The celebration of the feast of the Holy Innocent by the Holy Childhood Association of the Catholic Diocese of Oyo tagged “A day with the Bishop” on Friday 28th December, 2018 at Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Cathedral, Asogo, Oyo began with the Mass celebrated by Most Rev Emmanuel Badejo, Very Rev Fr John Oyekunle – the Diocesan Director for Pontifical Missions Societies (PMS) also the Cathedral administrator, Fr Clement Isola – the Bishop’s Secretary, Fr Gabriel Agboola – the Diocesan Vocations Director and Fr John Alayande.
It was indeed a celebration for children by children as the children participated actively as functionaries in the Liturgy as they were the Choir, Altar Servers, Psalmist, Lay readers, leaders of the prayers of the faithful, carrying the offertory and acting as the Masters of Ceremony both in and outside the Mass.
The Homilist of the day Rev Fr Gabriel Agboola urged the children to be of good behavior and obey their parents, guardians and elders. He made them realize the evils associated with behaving like King Herod who sacrificed the innocent children because he wanted to kill the baby Jesus and what the end of such people will be in the future.
After the thanksgiving, Rev Fr John Oyekunle the PMS Director appreciated the Bishop for his love and support and the animators for sacrificing their time and resources in order to take care of the children. He also encouraged the children to be of good behavior so that they can attain greater height in the future.
The Bishop also applauded Fr John Oyekunle, Sr Anastasia Obatolu – the Holy Childhood Association (HCA) Diocesan Coordinator, the animators, parents and guardians for the work they were doing with the children. He also praised the children themselves for getting involved in activities in their various parishes which was evident in the fact that they participated well in the Mass of the day. He however urged them to learn to listen more to their parents, learn how to participate more and better at mass and learn how to play musical instruments.
There was group picture with the Bishop, priests, religious and animators present in the church after the Mass and another one with the children in front of Bishop Adelakun Hall where the reception took place. The reception was so bright, colorful and beautiful as the children were given multicolored masks, cone caps and balloons to put on and use. The children were given food and drinks and they presented Christmas songs. The Holy Childhood Association gave the gift of a large size framed picture to the Bishop as a token of their appreciation.

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